All posts filed under: humour

They say laughing is the best cure!

Never work a day in your life

Back to reality. Unfortunately, my holidays are over. I’ve been away for about ten days, and it still feels too short. I really don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. And isn’t that telling? I mean, it’s pretty commonplace that people don’t like waking up at dawn and commuting for an hour, to be sat at a desk for eight (plus) hours everyday, Monday to Friday, and repeat over and over again. Yes, I get that, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many memes about hating Mondays, right? But still, I can’t help but think there’s more to life than that. My job in itself isn’t that bad. I work in marketing, so I get to do some cool stuff from time to time (all we do in marketing is colouring and drawing, yeah, right, heard it before), but it feels so stiff and uninspiring at the moment. It doesn’t help that the industry is not the sexiest industry in the world, and that the product isn’t tangible. Every Monday, I wake up and I …

Adventures in the city

You know how I always turn everything into a quest, right? I think I’ve mentioned it before. Once thing is sure, my life doesn’t get too boring. Whenever I start getting bored, it’s like subconsciously my mind flips a switch and then I end up doing something very random and weird. And I stop being bored (many times, I also start being tired). On Monday I went to the house for the night and decided it was a good day to start a new workout plan. Since I didn’t have any weights or machines with me (I don’t normally carry those around), I decided Freeletics was the way to go. If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s basically a series of workouts (with wonderful Greek gods’ names!) which are designed to be done with no equipment, and just your body. Also, it seems they’re designed to be performed in 2×2 metres, so there’s definitely no excuse. What this means in reality is a lot of high intensity, very taxing types of exercises (think burpees, …

He’s a miracle!

When you’re not feeling well, and once the migraines sort of go away and it’s just tiredness (even though you’ve slept for hours and hours everyday), there isn’t much to do at home except watching TV from the sofa. One of my favourite pastimes is watching series. I know, it’s sort of lame. I could say one of my favourite things to do is… I don’t know, something much cooler, but the truth is I love watching series. I don’t normally watch actual TV. I’m not one to watch the news, or discussion programs, and all that, or QI, or Top Gear, as my brother does. This past week I watched a few episodes of Ninja Warrior UK and other variations, which I discovered make me feel super stressed, but I’m not really into that sort of thing. Series, on the other hand, well, I could spend hours in front of my TV or laptop, watching episode after episode. At any given time, I’m following at least 3-4 different ones. At the moment, we have …

On possibly being an ambivert, and popcorn.

If you were to ask me whether I’m an introvert or an extrovert, I don’t think I could actually tell you. I’ve read recently there’s a third type of people, ambiverts. Am I one? I have always considered myself shy, since being a kid. Maybe not a really small kid, because I’m told that I used to be very chatty and expressing myself with my hands and stuff like that. I think it all might have started when I joined my second school, the one where I stayed until I was 18. I don’t have many memories of my previous school, to be honest. Mainly, that I used to do gymnastics (not sure how long, but not too long, because I wasn’t good at it, and the instructor was a… not very nice lady), and that I had a bunch of friends. I remember some of them, more or less clearly. I also remember some teachers (there was a scandal about one of them, it seems, not really sure if it was true or not). …