Month: August 2012

picture of Big Ben and cars at night

Shutter and diaphragm, friends or foes?

In case whenever I mention shutter or diaphragm, or f stop, you are left there wondering what exactly I’m talking about, and to avoid you thinking I’m talking about windows, or anatomy, or whatever it is you’re thinking, I’ve decided to quickly write a bit about these 2 pieces of a camera, see if I can shed some light on the topic – wish me good luck! It’s worth noting that sometimes you have both elements combined in one! SHUTTER (I’ve found a video in YouTube that might help seeing how it works. Look at the speed!) This is simply the part of the camera that controls how long light is going to get through. It would work like your eyelid. The longest it’s open, the more light will go through. Simple, isn’t it? Now, cameras are very sensitive nowadays. At the beginning of photography, people had to stay still for even 3 minutes to be captured in an image! Can you imagine it? They even had some neck and head supports to help keep the pose for that long! That’s …

H is for holiday

I’m officially on holidays (huzzah!) I think I have been waiting for this since my holidays in January (Argentina). The last days at work, I could almost feel my skin itch and hurt! Right now, I’m at home, packing and chilling out with some great music, getting ready for tonight, when I will be flying to Ibiza (I know, I know, those of you following me on Twitter or Facebook are already fed up of hearing me speaking about this holiday, especially in the last 48 hours). Last night, we had another run with the Nike+ Run Club, and it was superhero costume themed. I was so excited preparing the costume, posting pictures, teaser style, and pretty much jumping around in excitement… The previous night I stayed up until 1am finishing my costume and helping Loida with hers… and it paid off: I ran like I had never ran before! (insert big smug smile here). I managed to stop later than usual for the first time, and then have another short stop again, and that’s …

on the running club…

If you had told me about a month ago that I was going to be looking forward to running twice a week, and even wanting to run more often, I would have probably looked at you as if you were crazy, and laughed. Today, I have to admit the above has happened. I’m just waiting and hoping for the next running club. As soon as I start running, I think “why am I doing this (torture) again to myself?” but the feeling fades quickly as I pass the tress in the park. I’m not fast, and I don’t have much resistance, but I enjoy it. A lot. I started… How long ago? Four weeks? Three? I really don’t know, I think today was my sixth or seventh time running. I remember the first day, I was feeling shy and nervous, not knowing what it was going on, or whether I would be able to finish the run in one piece. I remember thinking “I’ll carry my Oyster Card, in case I’m too tired to walk …

where did July go?

This is getting worse and worse… It’s been almost a month! Apologies to my two regular readers (you know who you are!). I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to write regularly yet, as I’m extremely busy lately. For the past month, I haven’t had time much time to myself, and this is going to continue until end of August, as far as I know! I’ve joined a running club, I’m not sure if I mentioned anything (don’t think so) so now I’m running twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) and it’s a lot of fun. I’m still not a great runner, but I’m improving little by little. Also, I’m back to bootcamp, after a weird month of joining the sessions, then missing some, then going back… Hopefully this time I won’t have to miss any! (Now that I think about it, I’m going on holidays soon, so at least one session I will definitely miss!) On top of that, I was going to French lessons, which are now finished (that’s why I’m …