Month: March 2015

Snow everywhere

Snowboarding at Snowboxx

This past week has been an amazing week. I’ve been doing one of my favourite things everyday, and met with a bunch of great people. This is how it went… Unfortunately, I’m back from my one week holiday to the mountains. There were a lot of ups and downs, but overall it was an awesome week. It feels like ages ago since I headed to the airport with my suitcase, and it feels even longer since I last went to work. I’m not looking forward to it. I’m going to try to remember as much as I can, without boring you with all the details, as we all know nobody wants to hear other people going on and on about their holidays. The only main downside to this trip is that I didn’t take my DSLR, because I don’t trust my snowboarding skills enough to bring it with me on the slopes, which means that all pictures were taken with my phone or similar devices. I did take my GoPro a couple of days, but …

Can I have my own flurry too?

Today was my last day in the office for a week, and I couldn’t wait any longer. My last holidays were over Christmas (so not that long ago), when I was away from the office for about two weeks. I didn’t travel anywhere and most of my time off was spent being lazy. This time around, I’m going to be in and out of the office for almost a month. First, the trip to the snow. After that, I’m back for one day, and then I’ll be away again for doctors’ appointments. I’ll be back again for a couple of days after the Bank Holiday, before flying out again to visit my family in Madrid. So what does this mean for [shutter and ink.]? Well, it means that although I will try to post as regularly as I can, I am likely to miss a post or two. Recently, I’ve been experimenting with different topics and schedules, to see what works best, because I would like to add more photos (of any kind, not just …

Book Club #5 – Sophie’s World

There’s something about philosophy that tugs at a deep part in ourselves. I don’t know what it is, or how it works, but it’s there. Maybe it’s just the fact that when we read or discuss philosophical topics our brain is forced to wake up from its lethargy and work towards finding answers. In February, we read Sophie’s World, by Jostein Gaarder, in our book club. I had read this book many years ago in Spanish, when I was still studying, so when someone recommended it I felt curious to read it again, see how I felt about it. This is not your usual novel, it’s not a simple fictional story in which stuff happens and you are brought through the storyline seamlessly and in an easy manner. In Sophie’s World, there is a book inside a book. Actually, there is a book inside a book inside a book. We start by reading about Sophie, a Norwegian girl in the weeks (days?) before her 15th birthday. She receives a strange message in her mailbox that …

Beard Exhibition

Long week

Last week was an intense and interesting one. For one, I learnt a lot about myself, and confirmed as well that I know myself pretty accurately. On Wednesday, someone was recording people at work, for an induction video for new starters. I know I have plenty of issues with being in front of a camera, whether it’s for a photo or for a video, but I volunteered nevertheless because, do one thing that scares you everyday and all that. I recorded the first video, and I hated it. I thought I didn’t look too bad, and my voice wasn’t too terrible, but I could see I was way too nervous and uncomfortable, so I asked to film it again. We went somewhere where there were no people around, and I recorded a new video. I was still a bit uncomfortable, but it felt much more natural. At the end of the day, I volunteered to be filmed in the gym, because they also needed some footage for a wellbeing video. That day, I decided to …