Month: May 2012

hand bw with blue filter

Composition – Colour

Let’s start with the first part of this tutorial. We already did a brief introduction, but now we’re going to talk about colour, as per the index! Colour It is undeniable that colour has an effect on how we perceive an image. A photograph doesn’t have the same impact in black and white than it does in colour. Even when we have colours, there’s a difference in how we perceive the photograph based on how strong (or saturated) those colours appear. Thanks to digital photography we can now choose whether to have an image in colour or black and white after the picture has been taken. Before, it was a decision that had to me made prior to the photo being taken, depending on what message one wanted to send. This was done by choosing the type of film. I’m not going to argue all the advantages of digital photography but in my opinion, you had more control over the image before. When I say control, I am aware digital cameras offer many more options …

Composition – Introduction

Hello everyone! Finally it’s here: the tutorial on composition. You might have read already the one I did on colour correction a while ago. I promised I would do another one about composition, and I’ve finally got around to doing it. Calling it tutorial might be a bit of an overstatement, but well… I should probably say something like: tips on composition, as I’m really no expert, and my images don’t look absolutely fantastic. Still, if some of the stuff I know helps you get more out of your photograph, I will consider it a success! So… shall we get down to business? All of us can tell the difference between a bad image and a great image. Note that when I say bad, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the photograph is bad in itself, sometimes we may actually go after certain look for a specific purpose. Also, I might think something is good, but someone else might not like it. However, we definitely know when an image has the wow factor. A photograph is …

garden dwarf

Composition – Index

Hello lovely people! I know you’ve been wondering where I have been, if I had been abducted or if I was OK, but what you have really been wondering is: where is that tutorial? I have no excuses, I’m afraid, just that when I set my mind to doing something, I really work on it. The plan was to do a somehow quick post on composition, giving a couple of tips, but then I started writing, and kept on writing. Suddenly, I had lots of ideas, all the things I learnt in my studies were coming back to me, and I kept writing. The tutorial is not close to being finished, it’s not even in the same galaxy as being finished!