Month: September 2014

Weekend out!

This past weekend was interesting. At first, I sort of had forgotten a friend was coming over (sorry Ouiza!), so when someone else reminded me (thanks Brian!), it sort of made my day. On Friday, I wanted to go to a gig of a friend of a friend, and a few people said they would join, but finally, nobody wanted to come or had made other plans, so I found myself alone. I decided not to go, because I didn’t want to be on my own, and I went “home” (Su’s place). Now I think I should have gone on my own anyway, because I’m pretty sure it would have been interesting and fun. Ah well, my loss. Hopefully next time I won’t care about others and just do my thing. Saturday was a bit busy. My visiting friend invited me to a birthday party, and I wasn’t sure whether to attend or not, but since it was in Shoreditch, and I never get to go out there, I decided to go. It’s not that …

Strasbourg, day 1

I was supposed to write a post before going on holidays and leave it scheduled to be published while I was away, just because I don’t like posting from my phone. This time, however, laziness won and I didn’t prepare anything in advance. Here I am then, typing awkwardly and unsure of how this is going to look. I am quite happy as I’ve been taking a lot of pictures already. Strasbourg is a beautiful city, as everyone had told me already, and I would love to spend more time here. Yesterday, I was alone with my friend and his dog. Today, he had to go to a meeting at work, so I was left alone to wander the streets for a bit and then pick up one of the girls. I managed to walk around and show her a bit of the town, and I even managed to walk back to the flat. It’s already proven I can be left alone in a city and be able to fend for myself. The last friend …

Entering the last stretch!

Tomorrow I’ll be in Strasbourg for a long weekend. I can’t wait. For some reason, it feels weird. I’m travelling from Stansted, and I’m not sure how I’m getting to the airport from the other end of the planet (or so it feels, anyway). I thought I was being clever by booking a flight late afternoon, so I could have the morning to myself and do stuff at home. Oh, how confused I was! Turns out it’s going to take me over 2 hours to get to the airport, and since you have to get there earlier, and I don’t know the route, or the actual place… Ugh. Just ugh. At least, I’m going to catch up with The Pack, the group of friends that were always together at university, here in the UK. I haven’t seen two of them in ages, and the other one, well, I see her pretty much every couple of months (hi Aissa!) It should be a fun weekend. Aissa wants to go running this weekend, and I’m a bit …

On bad choices, and some good ones

Shall I be honest with you? Today, I really don’t feel like I want to write a post. I don’t have the energy, nor the willpower, but you know, if I stop now, I really don’t know when I will pick it up again and before you know it, it might be a month or two in which I disappear from here. I know we all say this sort of thing every time we go out, but I honestly don’t want to drink ever again. I don’t like who I am when I get drunk and I don’t like feeling like an idiot the following day. Also, I don’t enjoy hangovers at all. Last night, after the party, I was on my way home, a bit drunker than I should have, and decided it was a great idea to message this cute guy to ask him if he wanted to have a drink with me some day. A friend had been encouraging me to “do something” and so I messaged him. It was a very …