just random stuff, life

And just like that, it’s done

Welcome cards and gifts from friends

This is it. I’m moved. I still haven’t closed my old flat, of course, but I’m typing this from the dinning table in my new flat, and it feels weird.

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. There were talks of moving already last year, and I almost left my flat back in November or so (it never happened, for different reasons). Now, the day has come, and I’m here.

One thing I have learnt is that no matter how much rubbish you get rid of, you probably still have way too much stuff. I can’t think how it would have been if I hadn’t discarded all those clothes, books, DVDs and papers. Still, I have way too much kitchen stuff, especially for baking (which I haven’t done in a while, because of lack of space), and crafts. Lots of craft materials. I believe (and I might be wrong, because I stopped paying attention at some point), that I have at least four boxes filled to the top with yarn, fabric and filling. Then, I have at least another couple of boxes filled with craft paper, cutting devices, hot glue machine, I don’t know, anything you can think of.
Before the move started - old flat
I don’t know how I have managed to accumulate so much stuff, well, yes, buying it. Good thing is that after paying the removal company, and since I need money to pay for a professional cleaning, I’m going to be broke for the next… couple of years, probably, so I’ll be able to go through my craft stash and actually finish projects!
Before the move started - old flat
This week is going to be tough.

Last night, I was invited to watch the Super Bowl at my neighbours’ place. I was very excited about it, but then I started getting sick during the weekend, which is what you need when you’re packing boxes non-stop. I felt I needed the rest time, especially since the movers were coming at 9am this morning, so I kept on doing boxes and stayed home. I went to bed early, and watched a film in bed (Sisters, with two of my favourite role models, Amy Poehler and Tina Fey). For some reason, I couldn’t fall asleep afterwards, despite being very tired, and I ended up sleeping only 3 hours.

Once the move was done, I decided to find a place that served coffee and sandwiches around the flat, since I hadn’t had breakfast.

Today, is a day of unpacking. Seriously, isn’t it such a waste of time? Spend days putting stuff in boxes, so they travel 15 minutes and then you take everything out again…

Tomorrow, unfortunately, I’ll have to return to work, which means I won’t have a few days to get the flat sorted. That’s going to mess with my zen, or something. This is how my new bedroom looks like at the moment:
Aftermath of move - new flat
I believe there should be a bed somewhere there, under the boxes!

After work, it’s knitting club again. I know I haven’t shared much about it after it started, but that’s because I’ve been meaning to take photos, but I get so excited once we start, that I always forget. Hopefully tomorrow!

On Wednesday, it’s another long day, because Chris, Brian, Yaniv and I are watching Deadpool at the cinema. We can’t wait. Brian and I have been watching the trailer all the time, and talking about it non-stop, and sending each other WhatsApp messages about funny bits from the film. We are all really excited about the film, I just hope we aren’t setting our expectations way too high…

I think my Thursday evening is free, so I’ll take advantage of it and unpack more sleep. We have a new book club meeting at lunchtime that day, I’ve missed posting about a few of the latest books we’ve read, but I’ll try to catch up and post about them.

Wow… I already can’t wait for the weekend! I need to book cleaners to go and do my old flat professionally, so it’s another step towards getting my deposit back (which I really, really need). I will also have to empty the flat completely, as at the moment it has rubbish and broken electrical items I need to get rid of.

I’m hoping to return the keys by 16th February, and close that chapter of my life. These past two years have been probably the hardest I can remember and have drained a lot of my energy, but this new place gives me really good vibes, so I’m looking forward to it.

The flat is big and bright. There are some faults with it at the moment, which are being fixed. I have big plans for the flat. I love the skylight, and how bright and clean it looks (white walls, instead of yellowish). I have enough space in my room to have a craft corner, so I’m excited about the change. Hopefully, as I get it all ready and decorate, I’ll be able to share some photos with all of you (look at me, like one of those fancy decoration blogs!), but I really have no rush at the moment. My main objective is to sort out the kitchen, and my bed. Everything else can wait.

On a side note, my landlady (Su) and my neighbours (Louise and Lee) are awesome. When I came in this morning, and after the scare of finding someone in the flat already (it was alright, I had just forgotten builders needed to come in, and someone had to open the door for them, i.e. Su’s dad), I went into the living room to find a lovely set of welcome cards and gifts waiting for me!
Welcome cards and gifts from friends
How sweet is that? Yes, I know, the white card is upside down… I told you, lack of sleep and lack of coffee!

One of the first things I did was putting that bottle in the fridge, because I said as soon as I was moved in, I would drink prosecco (actually, a bottle I’ve had since June, but whatever), so excuse me while I go try to find a wine glass somewhere. Or a plant pot, not that I care that much at the moment…

Here’s to a new, hopefully more joyful, chapter in my life!