Month: July 2015

Young model

I consider myself young. I don’t know how young I really am, because age is a relative concept (I know how many years I’ve walked the Earth, of course), but I know I don’t look my age and, half of the time, I don’t act it either. However, there are some instances in which I can see that I belong to an older generation. By birth, I am still part of that category they call millennials. For a long time, I would see articles about them on BuzzFeed and other websites, and I would wonder who these people were. As it turned out, I am them! Last night, I was talking to some guys at a work event, and at some point I needed to ask how old they were (because of how the conversation was going and some of their comments). After the usual how old you think I am? and my accurate guess, I realised I was, once again, surrounded by, well, kids. That’s not a problem in itself, except that it baffles …

Update on progress

There’s nothing like a long weekend to make you feel great, and there’s nothing like a long weekend in which the day you have off is a Monday. If I’m completely honest with all of you, I haven’t done that much this weekend. At first I thought I would have time to make another dent at my stuff, but I spent Saturday running errands. On Sunday I had photos taken, thanks to a voucher I bought a while ago, and today, well, I haven’t done much either. That’s the beauty of weekends, isn’t it? I am doing this crazy overhaul of my life at the moment, getting rid of everything that seems to be weighing me down. Unfortunately, there are some aspects I’m stuck with for the foreseeable future, but hey, baby steps. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day, and all that. So anyway, as you know, I’m getting rid of a lot of my stuff, to create space for myself, as well as calmness and wellness or whatever. Anything sending negative vibes my way …

Welcome to the slightly grey side

I’ve been resisting for a long time, but the time has now come. I am the owner of an iPhone, and not any iPhone, but the 6 in gold. What’s happened to me? This week, my old phone has really annoyed me. Once again, it was crashing and the screen was freezing all the time. When I tried to answer a call and the app was too slow and wasn’t sliding to answer, I thought I was going to lose my mind. So, I contacted Vodafone. Again. See, almost as soon as I was up for an upgrade, I started the process to get a new phone and contract. You need to go to the website, check that you’re eligible, then click to request an upgrade, which then takes you to a short email form where you tell them what you want. I did this on the 15th. I received an email telling me I would be contacted within 48 hours, so I carried on with my life as usual. On the 20th, I realised …

Joyful home

I don’t know what’s going on these days, but I keep forgetting to post on the blog! I am so focused on everything else that when I remember about it, it’s usually too late at night and I’m too tired to even lift a finger. They say when you miss posts to just write a new one like nothing happened, so it doesn’t seem like you’re apologising or something, but I’m not entirely sure that’s the way to go. If you have a schedule (supposedly), and you miss it, then surely you need to let your readers know what’s going on, right? As you know, I’m doing Whole30 (I’m on day 17, yay!) and I both love it and hate it. I love it because it’s true I’m feeling better overall. I don’t feel bloated after eating my meals and I believe I might have dropped a size or so. I hate it because it involves a lot of planning, and I’m terrible at that. Normally, if I find myself with an empty fridge, I …