All posts tagged: photography

Young model

I consider myself young. I don’t know how young I really am, because age is a relative concept (I know how many years I’ve walked the Earth, of course), but I know I don’t look my age and, half of the time, I don’t act it either. However, there are some instances in which I can see that I belong to an older generation. By birth, I am still part of that category they call millennials. For a long time, I would see articles about them on BuzzFeed and other websites, and I would wonder who these people were. As it turned out, I am them! Last night, I was talking to some guys at a work event, and at some point I needed to ask how old they were (because of how the conversation was going and some of their comments). After the usual how old you think I am? and my accurate guess, I realised I was, once again, surrounded by, well, kids. That’s not a problem in itself, except that it baffles …


Fine tuning my photography

Once again, I’m working from home today because of not feeling that great. I am thinking about cancelling the charity house tonight, and just stay here, but guilt isn’t letting me. After all, the only thing I really need to do is stay there and sleep, but I have the feeling it’s not going to be a good night tonight. I have been thinking about photography quite a lot lately. And graphic design. Those are two of the main topics that I keep returning from time to time (not necessarily mentioned here every time, of course), and how I would like to pursue them more often. At work, or rather on the side, I’m currently working on a poster for some social activities, which I’m doing at home in the evenings because it’s not really my job, and I get very sidetracked whenever I play around colours and fonts! Since I started watching more and more Photoshop tutorials, I’m beginning to realise that the photographs I take aren’t necessarily that terrible, it’s just that I …

Tio Pepe after

Some photos from Madrid

This weekend has been a bit of a drag, but for good reason. I haven’t gone out of my flat at all, and spent most of it being super lazy in front of my laptop. One of the most rewarding things you can do when you’re not feeling yourself is listening to your body, and actually giving it what it’s telling you it needs. On Saturday, I woke up relatively early, feeling tired and with zero motivation to do anything. As I was waiting for my boss to text me and let me know whether I needed to go find a last minute item for the trade show next week, I lay in bed, checking my emails and social media, and began to realise I really needed to stay in. Last Thursday, I was feeling so tired and so sick, and had such a bad headache, that I took the day off, but it didn’t feel enough, even though I slept almost 24 hours in total. On Saturday, when I received the message telling me …

Feeling the need to regroup

As you know, I’m briefly back to normal before going away again, and I wanted to do a quick review of what’s going on at the moment (aside from my travels). I know I keep saying how busy I am, and how many things I’m up to all the time and all that, and I’m aware it sounds like a bit of self-back-patting. That’s not at all what I’m trying to do here… It’s more a sort of to-do list for myself, or to keep track of what I’m up to (and if anything of what I do inspires you to do something similar, well, that’s a win-win and all that). Sunday was spent mostly in bed, first sleeping, then watching series. I was exhausted from my trip, and my body pretty much forced me into passing out for most of the day. When someone says think of your happy place, I automatically think of my bed. Not the idea of it, but the actual physical place. It’s way too comfy at any time, my …