Month: July 2012

I’ve been working on the photography post in my notebook, the one I carry around in my bag all the time… I still have plenty to say about it, so it’s going to take a while to be published, sorry for that delay. You might be wondering what I have been up to, and in all honesty I could say I’ve been up to pretty much anything but writing! I’m still learning French on Mondays, and I’m taking now African drum lessons on Tuesdays. Then, I’ve just joined a running club on Wednesdays (yesterday was my first run, and even though it killed me, I’m quite proud of it)… I’m doing bootcamp training on Saturdays. Basically I’m busy almost everyday of the week! No excuse again, but that’s why I’m writing from my phone, at night, already in bed. I’ve realised that unless I take any opportunity I might find to write, I’m never going to keep regular updates… So bear with me! Anyway, just wanted to say hi, let you guys know I’m still …

(sort of) news

There was this massive laser display in London today, for the opening of The Shard. At first, I was planning to go, but then my previous plans were not happening any more, and you know, one thing led to another… So I decided to stay home. In a sense I could regret it, as it was supposed to be quite good and eye-catching, but to be completely honest with you, the way I’m feeling right now, I’m glad I’m not still standing out there, facing the elements, watching at some coloured beams being directed at a number of skyscrapers and relevant buildings in London. I’m writing this while feeling my eyelids as heavy as they can be. I’m writing this, but my body is so tired that I can barely move my fingers to type! But still, I’m typing. The worst part is not the physical tiredness, but the psychological one. I not only feel tired, but IĀ feelĀ tired. Sometimes you learn stuff in your life that leaves you a bit shocked emotionally. It’s like if …