Month: June 2015

Back to square two

I still remember my snowboard instructor, when he said to us Can you see how difficult it is to get back up again? Yeah? So don’t fall!, and oh, it is so true. This can also be applied to getting back into fitness. Can’t you see how much it hurts to start again? Yeah? So don’t stop! As you know, it’s been months since my last incursion into a gym, or even the last time I laced up my running shoes. I’ve put on weight (being ill and low on energy results in sleeping a lot, and feeling a bit crappy overall results in over-eating, so you do the maths) and I’ve lost all strength and sense of achievement. When I told my friend Oummou about doing a professional photo shoot together, and she challenged me to be beach body ready for it, my first reaction was to think it was never really going to happen. I decided to get going, and then I got sick again. Ha! OK, let’s try this again… A very …

Film review: Jurassic World

Thank you, Jurassic World for refreshing my irrational fear of velociraptors this weekend. Irrational because they’re extinct, that is, and because if they were real, they would only reach up to my waist or so. I think… But fear nevertheless. In the trailer they hint at the raptors having been tamed and following Chris Pratt’s orders. There’s also the Indominus Rex, this massive dinosaur genetically engineered to be bigger, bolder, meaner, so it goes to follow that’s the one you should be scared about, and don’t get me wrong, it is scary, but you know, whatever. As usual, I’m going to mention every single detail I can remember, spoilers included, so read at your own risk! We start the film with this family who are leaving on holiday, actually, just the kids. For some reason, we are shown that the older kid has a girlfriend he’s not interested in that much, and the younger kid is very enthusiastic about stuff (and dinosaurs, mainly). The kids are going to spend a week at Jurassic World, where …

Running is almost here

It’s only a couple of days until the 5k Race for Life in Battersea, and I couldn’t be any less ready. If I remember correctly (and I think I do, but don’t quote me on it), the last time I went for a run was before my snowboarding trip back in March. Even then, I think it had been a few days before then (maybe a week?). Now, it’s June and I’ve become a couch potato once again. Dangit! Every time I think back to the half marathon, I think it was both an achievement and my doom. For some reason, I think it put me off running for a while. I know that was over a year ago, but I know running has never been the same since then. For a while, I was too tired or over-run to get back on the treadmill, and after, I don’t know, it’s been injuries and stuff. I haven’t found my mojo yet. When I signed up for this run, I barely thought about it. I’ve taken …

I can be your Superman… woman… whatever!

Well, it seems I’m a certified first aider now. During three days, I attended a course by St. John’s Ambulance in London to learn how to perform first aid and it’s been interesting. On Monday, we were asked how confident we felt we could save someone’s life with what we knew about first aid, how confident we were in our skills, and of course, we all said zero or so. No confidence at all. Please, don’t get a paper cut in my presence, because surely you’re not going to survive it. We were told by the end of the course we would feel like wearing our underwear over our trousers, superhero style. For three days, we’ve been taking notes, looking at pictures and learning what the role of a first aider is. This was a course aimed at a work environment, but we can use our skills outside the workplace, if we choose to do so. We were 13 attendees, and initially we were feeling a bit quiet, shy, not really knowing what was going …