Month: August 2015

Star Wars

In a galaxy far away…

On one hand, I feel a bit guilty about writing about Secret Cinema, you know, because it’s supposed to be secret and all that. On the other, I really want to share everything I can remember about it with all of you. I don’t want to spoil a lot of what goes on, so this might end up a really weird post. We’ll see… Just in case I don’t manage to keep the post spoiler-free (let’s be honest, I won’t manage), keep reading at your own risk and don’t blame me if you end up reading something you didn’t want to… Deal? I knew about Secret Cinema for a while, in the format of not knowing the location of a film until just a bit earlier (a few days or hours, I didn’t have all the details figured out), but I had never attended one. Last summer, in 2014, they did a Back To The Future one, in which that was the film they were showing all summer, and in theory, it was supposed to …

Halloween Jack at The Barfly Camden

Keeping it up

I had a post ready for Friday, but I needed to add a few things and proof read it before publishing. I was planning on doing that at lunchtime, but I was busy all day, and then I had to leave early to go to Secret Cinema, so I never got to finish it. Here it is now. I really don’t do middle ground… It’s always all or nothing, it seems. I don’t do the whole trying stuff a little bit and see what happens. What’s the point of that? First things first. During the past few days, I’ve noticed another #nonscalevictory from the Whole30 programme. For the past… how many days has it been now? 47 days! Amazing… Anyway, yeah, so for the past 47 days there’s something that has changed in me, and it’s not my weight (which it has, of course). My attitude. A couple of people have told me that I look genuinely happy these days and the truth is, I feel happy. I’m not sure if mood swings are one …

Adventures in the city

You know how I always turn everything into a quest, right? I think I’ve mentioned it before. Once thing is sure, my life doesn’t get too boring. Whenever I start getting bored, it’s like subconsciously my mind flips a switch and then I end up doing something very random and weird. And I stop being bored (many times, I also start being tired). On Monday I went to the house for the night and decided it was a good day to start a new workout plan. Since I didn’t have any weights or machines with me (I don’t normally carry those around), I decided Freeletics was the way to go. If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s basically a series of workouts (with wonderful Greek gods’ names!) which are designed to be done with no equipment, and just your body. Also, it seems they’re designed to be performed in 2×2 metres, so there’s definitely no excuse. What this means in reality is a lot of high intensity, very taxing types of exercises (think burpees, …

Just keep swimming

There’s nothing like having a day off (or two) when everyone else is working. Seriously, you should try it. During the whole month of August, I’ve decided short weeks are the way to go. Now, I don’t mind working on Fridays so much, after all, the weekend is just around the corner, but I do hate Mondays. Every week is a short week this month, and I couldn’t be enjoying it more. Last night I went to the Ronald McDonald House which meant it was a late night and an early morning. At 6am, I couldn’t sleep anymore (trust me, I tried) and so I got up and had breakfast, prosciutto and boiled potatoes. I left the house at 7.30am, not really knowing what to do at such an early hour. I made a pit-stop at Nero to buy a coffee (they don’t ask my name, so they don’t get it wrong… Totally works for me!) and then I got on the train to Lewisham. When I arrived, it was still way too early so …