Month: May 2015

Croquettes all ready

Homemade recipe: Mum’s Chicken Croquettes

Whenever I go back home, I always hope my mum will cook croquettes. It’s a dish that reminds me of my childhood, usually accompanied with fries and ketchup. I always remember my brother eating 16 of them in one sitting. When my parents went on holidays once we were older, my mum would leave a batch of them ready for us in the freezer. This is, along Spanish omelette, one of my favourite dishes ever. My nan used to make them with thick pieces of ham in them, which I didn’t like, but my mum makes them all soft and smooth. The ones below are not made exactly to recipe, as they don’t have any ham or onion in them. You can also use leftover chicken from any other boiled dish you’ve made, like cocido madrileƱo (a recipe I might share with you someday too). I think I got around 15 croquettes this time around, but it really depends on how big you make them! Also, if you use the ham, note that this will …


I’m not really sure if I’m getting old or if I’m simply losing my mind at a slow by steady pace. Although it is probably the latter, I think I’m going to tell you so you can judge for yourself. A few days ago, I was having dinner with my brother. Having set the table, and with the food already served, I went to the kitchen to grab a last-minute item, when my brother asked me to also bring ketchup. I opened the fridge, grabbed the ketchup, and saw some beers there he had bought earlier that same week. I asked him if I could have one of his beers and as I was finishing the question, I said out loud: Ah, no, I already have wine, true! and turned to see my brother looking at my with an expression that could only mean I’m a bit crazy (or that I have a problem with alcohol). On the table, there were the two glasses of wine we had just served. On that same evening, I …


Haven’t you heard? It’s Bank Holiday weekend! Get ready for three days of rest. Just make sure you bring your sunglasses, and your umbrella, just in case… Because it always rains on Bank Holiday weekend. I haven’t checked the weather forecast yet, but that’s usually the case in London. This week has been a bit tough. I had a client event which has been harder than I expected, mostly because we finished late, and because it was in two floors of a pub, which meant I spent most of my evening running up and down the stairs. By the end of the night, I was very tired (I left at 11pm, but it was still packed!) and I was so focused on not losing work’s camera, that I actually forgot my cardigan. Fail! I only noticed the following morning, when I wanted to wear it and I couldn’t find it. Luckily, a colleague had found it and brought it to me in the morning, as lost property, not knowing it was actually mine! Score! I …

Who are you going to believe in?

I know these past days (weeks) I’ve been a bit on the lower end of the happy scale. I’ve either complained a lot, or disappeared completely. Oops! One of the things I’ve noticed (and I’m sure it’s happened to many of you) is that when you don’t feel great, when your health isn’t what it’s supposed to be, your mind decides that it’s the best time to go in for the kill and really fail you. You start pointing all your flaws out to yourself, or you lose all your self-confidence, or whatever it is that gets your kicks, so to speak. It’s like we enjoy putting ourselves down when we’re already pretty low. Whenever I have the flu or a bad cold, and I’m in bed shivering, with temperature, coughing, sneezing, and overall in not a pretty state, I always notice how weak I’m feeling, and realise how fragile the human body is, and how little I can do to cure myself once I’m sick. True, eating healthy and all that should help prevent …