All posts tagged: excuses

Snoozing the New Year

I read today a post about the snooze function in the alarm clock. While I don’t remember the first time I discovered this function on my alarm clock, I must say the morning ritual described by the writer does ring a bell. It’s interesting to see how we always fall into a cycle, usually an unhealthy one, and the lengths we go to keep it that way. Be it every night, every Sunday, every month or every 31st December, we are always full of goals and ideas for the following period. As soon as that “tomorrow” is here, we find every way possible to avoid keeping our promise to ourselves. Every night I vow to go to bed early, so I can have a full night sleep and wake up refreshed, yet every night I fail at achieving my goal. When the alarm goes off at 6am (yes, 6am) I feel too tired and sleepy, my bed feels too comfy and warm, so I think I really don’t need to work out, it’s OK, I …

Eternal Struggle

Today I have made a discovery… I feel that I’m quite tired lately, mainly to having strange dreams and waking up many times at night. Mornings feel like a bit of torture, also not helped by the fact that I’m never in bed before 12am. This morning, when I opened my eyes, I felt the cold outside. I was warm in my bed, under my duvet, but I could feel the air outside my flat was crisp. I quickly, if drowsily, made a mental scan of my wardrobe and drawers, trying to find the warmest clothes to wear and regretted not having thermal and down layers to wear. Suddenly, the image of my snowboarding trousers, tucked away in storage under the bed, seemed like a longed-for comfort. It’s not officially winter, yet it feels as such. The fact that when my first alarm goes off (the one that tries to get me out of bed and up for a workout and maybe even a breakfast) it’s still dark outside, doesn’t help. I whisper the eternal …

Monster in my ear

Wow, I haven’t posted in about a week or so. If you were wondering where I was and if I was OK, well, yes, I am OK and I was… everywhere and nowhere. It seems last time I wrote here I sort of unleashed some monster that I had been keeping locked for a while, once I voiced the worries about running out of content and not being interesting and all that, it seems I gave the monster a voice and it decided to keep whispering in my ear that it was true, that I had ran out of content and that I should stop bothering people who don’t want to hear about me. Even if that wasn’t entirely true. I’ve started a few posts, but wasn’t feeling them. The past few weeks have been interesting for me. I’m really excited about some things going on, and I’ve grown disenchanted with others. Again, this was something I wasn’t aware of, until recently. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and some of it has …

where did July go?

This is getting worse and worse… It’s been almost a month! Apologies to my two regular readers (you know who you are!). I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to write regularly yet, as I’m extremely busy lately. For the past month, I haven’t had time much time to myself, and this is going to continue until end of August, as far as I know! I’ve joined a running club, I’m not sure if I mentioned anything (don’t think so) so now I’m running twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) and it’s a lot of fun. I’m still not a great runner, but I’m improving little by little. Also, I’m back to bootcamp, after a weird month of joining the sessions, then missing some, then going back… Hopefully this time I won’t have to miss any! (Now that I think about it, I’m going on holidays soon, so at least one session I will definitely miss!) On top of that, I was going to French lessons, which are now finished (that’s why I’m …