Month: July 2014

Vegan banana bread bites

Hello there! I wanted to share a recipe and a few photos with you, if you don’t mind. Last week, I made vegan banana bread. I really like baking, even if I’m not particularly good at it. However, I am not such a fan of eating what I bake, mainly because of not being a massive fan of all things sweet. For this reason, I’m always telling my friends that I’m going to bake for them, and bring food to work from time to time. Whenever I see food blogs (…) I pretty much drool over the recipes they make, both for mains or desserts. Of course, it helps that their photos are bright and pretty. This is some type of photography I would really like to improve (I love taking photos, I love cooking and baking, and I love eating in general, so it feels right to know how to photograph food properly, don’t you think?) but I know that at the moment, my photos are less than appealing (food ones, I mean). Ah, …

I didn’t see that coming

Don’t get me wrong. I love my Mac. Seriously, I do. When I received the parcel at work, I pretty much ran all the way to the post room (pretty much, because you know, Health & Safety, guys!) and then pretended I wasn’t trotting all the way to my desk. I have to admit that I was less productive than usual that afternoon. At first I promise myself I was just going to look at it, and not turn it on. Of course, after probably five seconds I asked myself who I was trying to fool, and switched it on. I think I blushed with embarrassment when I heard the very loud sound Macs do when started, and I’m afraid to report that I did run at that time, to a meeting room, because the installation started talking out loud, very loud, and I couldn’t find how to make it shut up at first. What can I say? I panicked. So far, it’s been pretty honeymooney over here. It’s taking me a bit long to …

Prometheus, a film review

I finally watched Prometheus this weekend. I’ve been meaning to watch it for ages! When it came out, I was completely up for it, but as you know, life happens and you get busy, and distracted. Suddenly, you realise that the film is not in cinemas anymore, and there are many other films out there to watch (read: many other films you want to watch, but will also miss, because it’s you and you’re a mess when it comes to cinema). Before I write anything else, let me warn you that there are many spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t watched Prometheus yet, stop reading right now. You’ve been warned. Very generally speaking, Prometheus is a film about aliens, set in the future. Every time I watch a film that happens in a spaceship, I always know it’s never going to be a smooth journey. It’s never just a love story, is it? It’s always bad news. Script writers out there, I want to watch a romantic comedy in a spaceship. No drama, other than …

Beware, the hipsters are coming!

I hate hangovers. You have a lot of fun when you’re out and about with your friends, drinking, and the next morning, it’s like a revenge on you for having too much fun. I had made plans with my friend Su a while back to meet on Saturday, and when the day arrived, we decided to go to this new trendy market in Lewisham, just by the shopping centre. The place was a bit hidden, and it looks nothing like a market, and more like an abandoned warehouse. At the entrance, there were a few security guys making sure nobody was there to cause trouble. There even was a Jared Leto lookalike! You can see him towards the right on the pic above (just by the Superstyle Hair Studio column), long hair and sunglasses… That’s totally him! Ha-ha Inside, the place looked like Shoreditch had just came to Lewisham for a visit! You may or may not know this, but I love Shoreditch. I know it’s now trendy to hate it and to be so …