All posts filed under: just random stuff

Everything else

Welcome cards and gifts from friends

And just like that, it’s done

This is it. I’m moved. I still haven’t closed my old flat, of course, but I’m typing this from the dinning table in my new flat, and it feels weird. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. There were talks of moving already last year, and I almost left my flat back in November or so (it never happened, for different reasons). Now, the day has come, and I’m here. One thing I have learnt is that no matter how much rubbish you get rid of, you probably still have way too much stuff. I can’t think how it would have been if I hadn’t discarded all those clothes, books, DVDs and papers. Still, I have way too much kitchen stuff, especially for baking (which I haven’t done in a while, because of lack of space), and crafts. Lots of craft materials. I believe (and I might be wrong, because I stopped paying attention at some point), that I have at least four boxes filled to the top with yarn, fabric and filling. Then, …

Trevligt att träffas

You know me, I’m always embarking on crazy adventures and challenges, and many times I just think why not? This time, I’ve decided I want to learn Swedish. Yup, that’s right, Swedish, even though I know it’s not a widely spoken language, and it’s probably not going to open a million doors for me. I’ve wanted to try since I visited Stockholm years ago with my friend Aissa. I remember walking around the city and trying to understand the words on the different signs. Not only reading the English translations, but actually trying to understand how the language is constructed (for example, figuring out that gata meant street after seeing it as a suffix in a lot of signs). I only managed a few words, of course, and everyone speaks English over there (dom pratar engelska dår), but it made me feel like I do have a knack for languages! As part of an epic quest to live my life the best I can (more on that soon), I’ve decided to learn more languages. Recently, …

The long month

The problem with spending the weekend resting and trying to get better is that when Monday comes, it feels like a complete waste of time. It has been 12 days since I got the flu, and I’m still feeling meh. My fever and overall sickness is gone, but I still have a nasty cough and I’m getting pain in my ear. Yay, me. Being sick for about 10 days has resulted in me neglecting my Granny Workout, like a lot. I’ve tried some stretching a couple of days, and that’s about it. I have my next appointment on Wednesday, and I’m going to disappoint Ian, but what can I do? Maybe if I work out three times a day it’ll make a difference, but chances are I’ll only make it worse, so I’ll come clean on Wednesday and accept the judgement. This week, and all the way through January, I need to be on saving mode. Between the trips to Paris and and having been paid one week earlier, January is painful. No wonder everyone …

I’ve lost this battle…

I never have nightmares, like ever. Normally, if I’m dreaming something that can be a nightmare, my brain turns the dream around and saves the day (night). What do I mean by that? Imagine I’m dreaming that I’m being chased, and the situation is starting to look a bit tricky. You know, there’s that point in a dream when you realise you can’t escape, when it clicks and you realise you’re in a nightmare, and that’s when the stress comes. Just at that point, every time without fail, my brain realises that there’s a solution right there, next to me. If I’m being chased by a bunch of military style armed bad guys, I just manage to duck behind some crates and realise that I was holding a weapon all along and I can shoot back, and win. If dinosaurs are chasing me, trying to eat me, I see that there’s a sturdy door right next to me through which I can escape and lock them out. I know the layout of the place, so …