All posts tagged: project

Creating a knitting club

As you know from my previous post, I’m learning Swedish (and you might also know I’m refreshing my French too), but that’s not the only thing I’m doing at the moment. As part of that levelling up my life thing I’m doing, I want to learn new languages, exercise more, and focus on the things that matter to me, at least outside of work. There’s no reason why I can’t find time to do everything (or many things) I like doing. I just need to be smarter. Funnily enough, the question I get asked the most when I tell people I’m learning Swedish is why. With about 10 million native speakers, people find it weird that I’ve decided to learn this language. It sounds weird, it’s not very common and you know, it’s not the usual language people would want to learn. I explained some of my reasons in my previous post, but the main reason would be because it appeals to me. Is there a better reason to do anything than because you like …

All Hallows’ Eve

I realise the last couple of post haven’t been the most cheerful ever, so I thought I’d change the mood a bit. This week is Halloween. Every year I plan on doing something, and then every year I never do anything! Last year, I tested a sugar skull design on my face a few days before the date, but then I never painted my face on the day because no one dressed up at work. This year, I’ve tested something again. I tried a realistic skull design, and a cracked golden face one, and I’m not convinced with either. Unfortunately, my skills aren’t very good, and I know someone is already going to the office in a sugar skull full face, and she’s a make up artist, so… Damn! I don’t know what to do. I’ve seen a few really cool designs on Pinterest (yes, yes, I’m addicted to it, we all know that), but I don’t know if I could pull them off… In terms of sugar skulls, I like these designs. I think …

The finish line

This is it. Well, this is almost it. Today is day 29 of my Whole30 challenge. I can’t believe I’ve gone almost 30 days with no bread, cheese, or alcohol… Or sugar. It’s almost over, or is it? If you’ve been following me around, I mean on social media, then you’ll have already seen that I’m planning on adding a few more days to the Whole30. At the moment, although I’m seeing some results (I’m definitely less inflated, and someone who hasn’t seen me for the past couple of weeks just told me I’ve lost weight), I’m not feeling the tiger blood that they mention. It might be because of feeling sick this last whole week… I don’t want to end this plan in a negative light, so I’ve decided to do a Whole37-40. I haven’t decided yet. Also, I have a steam train trip planned with Brian on Saturday, and I don’t want to risk a tough reintroduction of foods and feeling sick or having an upset stomach while I’m supposed to have a …

Pinterest fail, a Christmas tale

As I promised in the last post, and the one before that, I’m going to show you my very own Pinterest fail, because it can happen to everyone, and I don’t want you to think it’s just you. It’s OK, we can talk. This is a safe place. Pinterest, that land of amazing stuff where everyone is some sort of Martha Stewart, and everyone seems to have the most incredible houses, kitchens, children, pets, etcetera. I spend quite a lot of my spare time on Pinterest, not as an addicted person (OK, maybe a bit… a lot, fine) but mostly in between stuff I’m doing. For example, while waiting for the pizza to finish cooking, I might steal a cheeky look at different boards. Or waiting for the bus to arrive, or during my commute. Actually, my commute is the time when I catch up with all the blogs I follow, so not really, but you get the idea. There are many things I love that I’ve pinned (bookmarked) as inspiration for future projects. Some …