Month: January 2014


Honestly! I am so happy it’s Friday, although to be honest with all of you, I really can’t wait till Sunday… You know me, I can be very active, or I can become a bit of a couch potato (mmm…. potatoes…) This week has been quite interesting. First of all, I went to zumba on Monday again. It was tiring, and my arms and legs were killing me, but I survived. Since I stayed up late chatting with a friend on Whatsapp, the next day I was exhausted, so I was in bed by 9pm. Way to waste an evening! Truth is my body really needed it. On Wednesday, I went out for drinks with some girls from work. A nice part of my job is that I am a member of the Social Committee so we organise parties and other activities. This means that we need to choose venues as well! We went scounting a couple of places, and then had a drink. It was great, so much fun, and we also had a …

A trick of three notes

This week has been an interesting one. As you know, I kick-started the training session, which left me achy for the whole week. It serves me right, though, maybe next time I won’t leave it for as long. Still, it was good aches, the right kind. Work was very busy, but I enjoyed the week. Some projects I had been working on for ages were put on hold, but other that came unexpectedly came out quite right, so I’m happy about the overall outcome. I’m also finding I like designing logos more and more! On Wednesday, my team and I finally had our Christmas team outing. We had decided to postpone it, since we didn’t have much time before the holidays. Our boss had kept it secret, so we had no idea what we were going to do, or where! It was quite exciting, I must say, although I was worried I wasn’t going to like it. I tried, however, to keep an open mind (read be quietly judgmental if it wasn’t to my liking). …

On your marks…

I officially declare training season begun. For the past month (ish), I’ve been procrastinating massively. I’ve been so lazy. My usual routine has been TV and food, and sleep. Of course, this has resulted in the scales getting back at me in a very rude manner, but I am onto them now… To make things easier, it started on Monday. Finally, after quite a while dodging it, I went to zumba with my friend Su. We miscalculated the time, so we had to run a bit to ensure we caught the train, which we managed, but that short outburst of exercise left me winded. Ouch. Fitness levels: -3. The class was actually nice. It wasn’t crazy hard, but of course, having no hand-hip-foot coordination whatsoever, I found it difficult. If I tried to just move to the sound, I could, but as soon as I tried to move nicely, I was getting all confused. We also did a lot of arm exercises, during a full song, which was painful, but I really liked as normally …

Snoozing the New Year

I read today a post about the snooze function in the alarm clock. While I don’t remember the first time I discovered this function on my alarm clock, I must say the morning ritual described by the writer does ring a bell. It’s interesting to see how we always fall into a cycle, usually an unhealthy one, and the lengths we go to keep it that way. Be it every night, every Sunday, every month or every 31st December, we are always full of goals and ideas for the following period. As soon as that “tomorrow” is here, we find every way possible to avoid keeping our promise to ourselves. Every night I vow to go to bed early, so I can have a full night sleep and wake up refreshed, yet every night I fail at achieving my goal. When the alarm goes off at 6am (yes, 6am) I feel too tired and sleepy, my bed feels too comfy and warm, so I think I really don’t need to work out, it’s OK, I …