Month: January 2016

The day before the day

Tomorrow is the day, the moment of truth. The knitting club is launching, and I am really excited about it. As I’ve been mentioning, almost nonstop (sorry for being a bore!), there’s a new knitting club at work, of which I decided to take charge… Which makes sense, since it was my idea! I have been knitting a lot, trying to remember how to do things, and writing a guide people can take home. I’ve done and undone many stitches, trying to find the best way of explaining a technique, and casted on countless of stitches. This is it. I’m done. OK, I’m never really going to be done-done. I decided to stop, because I was putting on finishing touches to the guide, and decided to add some funny memes, and it was starting to get out of hand (I mean, when you get a meme of Yoda talking about knitting, you probably should stop, right?). Thing is I didn’t want it to sound like a very girlie (or granny) thing, or too dry and …

When a plan comes together

You know what makes me happy? When I come up with an idea and people seem genuinely interested in it, not from a selfish point of view, but from a social point of view, if that makes sense. On Wednesday I mentioned that I was creating a knitting club at work (the Knit Squad). For over a week, I’ve been knitting like crazy to have samples ready, working on a slide to promote it, and a poster/email to launch it. I’ve been looking at yarns and needles to order for the people joining in. I’ve also been working on some handouts so people can practise their knitting at home, following easy instructions. I’ve been refreshing my memory watching some useful tutorials (cable stitch, anyone?) and I’m pretty much focusing a lot of my free time on this project. Yes, that is correct, I’m working on it on my spare time! Only last night, I couldn’t sleep and I decided to work on the handouts, from bed, at 1am. Talk about obsession dedication. Today, I finally …

Creating a knitting club

As you know from my previous post, I’m learning Swedish (and you might also know I’m refreshing my French too), but that’s not the only thing I’m doing at the moment. As part of that levelling up my life thing I’m doing, I want to learn new languages, exercise more, and focus on the things that matter to me, at least outside of work. There’s no reason why I can’t find time to do everything (or many things) I like doing. I just need to be smarter. Funnily enough, the question I get asked the most when I tell people I’m learning Swedish is why. With about 10 million native speakers, people find it weird that I’ve decided to learn this language. It sounds weird, it’s not very common and you know, it’s not the usual language people would want to learn. I explained some of my reasons in my previous post, but the main reason would be because it appeals to me. Is there a better reason to do anything than because you like …

Trevligt att träffas

You know me, I’m always embarking on crazy adventures and challenges, and many times I just think why not? This time, I’ve decided I want to learn Swedish. Yup, that’s right, Swedish, even though I know it’s not a widely spoken language, and it’s probably not going to open a million doors for me. I’ve wanted to try since I visited Stockholm years ago with my friend Aissa. I remember walking around the city and trying to understand the words on the different signs. Not only reading the English translations, but actually trying to understand how the language is constructed (for example, figuring out that gata meant street after seeing it as a suffix in a lot of signs). I only managed a few words, of course, and everyone speaks English over there (dom pratar engelska dår), but it made me feel like I do have a knack for languages! As part of an epic quest to live my life the best I can (more on that soon), I’ve decided to learn more languages. Recently, …