Month: November 2014

Pinterest fail, a Christmas tale

As I promised in the last post, and the one before that, I’m going to show you my very own Pinterest fail, because it can happen to everyone, and I don’t want you to think it’s just you. It’s OK, we can talk. This is a safe place. Pinterest, that land of amazing stuff where everyone is some sort of Martha Stewart, and everyone seems to have the most incredible houses, kitchens, children, pets, etcetera. I spend quite a lot of my spare time on Pinterest, not as an addicted person (OK, maybe a bit… a lot, fine) but mostly in between stuff I’m doing. For example, while waiting for the pizza to finish cooking, I might steal a cheeky look at different boards. Or waiting for the bus to arrive, or during my commute. Actually, my commute is the time when I catch up with all the blogs I follow, so not really, but you get the idea. There are many things I love that I’ve pinned (bookmarked) as inspiration for future projects. Some …

Five minutes more, please…

I must admit I have a bit of an issue. Whenever I start working with Photoshop (and sometimes Illustrator too, depending on what I’m working on) I lose track of time… I’m still not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing! I was watching a film earlier, Chalet Girl, which is the typical Cinderella story. In this case, a girl who used to be a great skateboarder, but not anymore for some reason… So, this girl lives with her dad and they’re poor, and by some weird luck thing that happens in films, she gets to work in the Alps as a chalet girl, and learns how to snowboard, and becomes a super snowboarder. She enters a competition, struggles, meets her prince, etc, etc. I still don’t understand why she didn’t try to enter a skateboarding competition or something like that, but OK, whatever. Thing is, the film was silly, but it switched on my winter mode (I’m lying, it’s been on for a while now!) and I started daydreaming about snowboarding and …

Smugness galore

I feel quite accomplished today, even if I am extremely tired. It feels like I’ve been doing a lot of things in the past few days, socially and at work (even if I don’t have much to show for it for the latter – research stage, nothing finished yet!) On Friday, we went out to one of my favourite bars in London, The Maple Leaf. It’s really nothing to write home about, but I love it. Outside, it looks like your regular traditional English pub, only with Canadian flags. When you step in, it still is like a traditional sports pub, only it has been decorated with Canadian-related stuff, from hockey sticks to flags. Yes, one of my favourite bars is a sports bar! There’s a picture of a moose and they have what I believe to be a real taxidermied bear, named Charlotte, by the way. Behind the bar, there’s a moose head hanging from the wall which is permanently covered in caps. On the TVs there’s always some sort of sports being played, …

Lacing up my shoes again

This weekend has been a bit annoying, I would say. I’ve spent the whole week with knee and lower back pain, which hasn’t been great. I’ve also been busy at work with some tedious tasks, which never helps improve the overall mood. Finally, I’ve been reminded how the person I (really) like doesn’t like me back (or at least not in the same way), and that has brought my mood even downer. I’ve been trying not to think about it, because when I do, well, it’s not pretty. As I’ve told my friends today, going for a run this morning really helped improved my mood. Even when I had spent most of the weekend with lower back pain, and wondering over and over again why I’m so unlucky with guys, it’s been quite a boost. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do, because of all the aches and stuff. This morning, I woke up at 6am. Yes, me, on a Sunday, 6am. Ouch. Since I couldn’t get moving, I decided to have a …