Month: February 2015

On possibly being an ambivert, and popcorn.

If you were to ask me whether I’m an introvert or an extrovert, I don’t think I could actually tell you. I’ve read recently there’s a third type of people, ambiverts. Am I one? I have always considered myself shy, since being a kid. Maybe not a really small kid, because I’m told that I used to be very chatty and expressing myself with my hands and stuff like that. I think it all might have started when I joined my second school, the one where I stayed until I was 18. I don’t have many memories of my previous school, to be honest. Mainly, that I used to do gymnastics (not sure how long, but not too long, because I wasn’t good at it, and the instructor was a… not very nice lady), and that I had a bunch of friends. I remember some of them, more or less clearly. I also remember some teachers (there was a scandal about one of them, it seems, not really sure if it was true or not). …

The easiest things sometimes are the most difficult

Some days everything turns out right, and other days it feels like everything is out to get you. I’m not sure what sort of day it was today. Last night, when I went to the flat at the charity house for the night, I noticed the CCTV monitor was off. I checked, and there was a light, so power was getting in, but the screen was black. I tried all buttons and cables I could find, but I didn’t manage to make it work. As I sat reading on the sofa, I kept glancing at it and feeling a sort of discomfort. Usually, I don’t have access to CCTV footage in my life, and I only see it when I’m volunteering (and then, only in the evening). If the burglar alarm went off, I could quickly look at the monitor and see if there was an actual break in, or if maybe one of the parents forgot they cannot go to the garden in the middle of the night. Not having the CCTV available made …

A small hiccup

Once again, I’m in pain. I would like to go a whole month without some sort of injury because, seriously, this is getting old already. The last mishap that’s happened to me is a stiff neck. Yesterday morning I woke up with pain in my neck, from sleeping in a funny way. My alarm went off, I opened my eyes and as usual, swung my arm across to pick up the phone from the floor, by my bed. The pain I felt was excruciating. As it turned out, I had pulled a muscle or something like that during my sleep, and I felt the pain going from somewhere by my shoulder blade, all the way to the base of my head. Not only it hurt, but it also made me slow, showering and getting dressed turned into a challenge. Don’t get me started on riding public transport! Yesterday, we were doing an event at work to which several clients attended and created teams to then participate in an University Challenge style of contest. We hired …

London skyline

Over 44600 steps in three days

Remind me to not do a weekend like this one ever again… At least not if I want to rest and be able to feel my legs. This weekend has been mental. I have the feeling Friday was years ago, not just a couple of days earlier. My shifts at the charity house were very quiet, which I’m thankful for. No fires, no burglaries, and no hospital emergencies of any kind. On Friday, I did my workout (I brought my dumbbells to the house, which sounds a bit stupid, but hey, I needed them), and it was brutal. It was, simply put, hardcore. There was one circuit, to be done four times (if I remember well) and it included burpees, and wall sits, and plank rows, and many other painful exercises… for 45 minutes. On Saturday morning, I left the house at 10.30am or so, and went to have a walk. I was meeting Sean for lunch at 1pm, so I had plenty of time. I walked by the river to London Bridge, and then …