Year: 2015

Review – Supergirl Pilot Episode

Starting a new series is always exciting, especially when they’re about superheroes… Female superheroes! I could say I didn’t know much about Supergirl and that would be the biggest understatement ever. I have absolutely no clue about anything related to her or Superman. To be completely honest, I have to say I’ve never really been a massive fan of DC Comics until recently, and that’s thanks to movies, series and, yeah, OK, comics. When I was a teenager, most of my comics were Image, or similar, or Spiderman. The cool thing about them was that there were a lot of female lead characters. The bad thing about it was that they were mostly hyper-sexualised versions of Barbie dolls. Characters like Witchblade (Image), Fathom (Top Cow), and the likes were really aimed at guys, I guess. I definitely didn’t feel identified with any of them. Even Tomb Raider comics (didn’t remember the publisher, but it seems it’s Top Cow too). I also read Crimson (Image/WildStorm). What all of them had in common were the same: busty …

All Hallows’ Eve

I realise the last couple of post haven’t been the most cheerful ever, so I thought I’d change the mood a bit. This week is Halloween. Every year I plan on doing something, and then every year I never do anything! Last year, I tested a sugar skull design on my face a few days before the date, but then I never painted my face on the day because no one dressed up at work. This year, I’ve tested something again. I tried a realistic skull design, and a cracked golden face one, and I’m not convinced with either. Unfortunately, my skills aren’t very good, and I know someone is already going to the office in a sugar skull full face, and she’s a make up artist, so… Damn! I don’t know what to do. I’ve seen a few really cool designs on Pinterest (yes, yes, I’m addicted to it, we all know that), but I don’t know if I could pull them off… In terms of sugar skulls, I like these designs. I think …

Some days the bear eats you…

Yesterday I was thinking about writing today’s post in advance. I wanted to talk about the imminent flat move, but I didn’t know what I should really say. There were two possible outcomes to happen today, either it was all good and confirmed, or it wasn’t. For some reason, I considered writing two versions, like they do in PR and presidential campaigns, just in case, and the hit publish on whichever one happened. It was a bit silly, to be honest, because it was 99% confirmed and today the guy was going to get rid of his estate agents as a last step. Last night, Su texted me to tell me the guy had received a better offer for one year, and I’m guessing at the full original rent price, and so he thought he should go with that. Now, I don’t blame him, of course he should go with that offer instead, but it sucks. I had already made up my mind to move, and I had let myself get a bit excited, even …

Challenges everywhere

Day 3. It feels weird this time around, I guess because I have a bunch of other stuff crowding my mind too. It seems that my default comforting activity is to eat, and to eat junk food. OK, not junk food as such, since I don’t normally go to fast food outlets, but you know what I mean, non-compliant food seems to be my jam (that pun might or might not have been intentional…). It’s no secret that I haven’t been feeling my best for the past couple of weeks (past month?). A lot of things have been piling up on top of one another and I’ve been feeling like forgetting about everything and just taking a nap. A month long nap, actually. First, the flat. The boiler is not working and you know how this goes, the landlord never wants to spend money so you have to argue and pretty much annoy the estate agents until they agree to fix it just so you leave them alone. The problem with it is that it …