All posts tagged: writing

Who are you going to believe in?

I know these past days (weeks) I’ve been a bit on the lower end of the happy scale. I’ve either complained a lot, or disappeared completely. Oops! One of the things I’ve noticed (and I’m sure it’s happened to many of you) is that when you don’t feel great, when your health isn’t what it’s supposed to be, your mind decides that it’s the best time to go in for the kill and really fail you. You start pointing all your flaws out to yourself, or you lose all your self-confidence, or whatever it is that gets your kicks, so to speak. It’s like we enjoy putting ourselves down when we’re already pretty low. Whenever I have the flu or a bad cold, and I’m in bed shivering, with temperature, coughing, sneezing, and overall in not a pretty state, I always notice how weak I’m feeling, and realise how fragile the human body is, and how little I can do to cure myself once I’m sick. True, eating healthy and all that should help prevent …

Feeling the need to regroup

As you know, I’m briefly back to normal before going away again, and I wanted to do a quick review of what’s going on at the moment (aside from my travels). I know I keep saying how busy I am, and how many things I’m up to all the time and all that, and I’m aware it sounds like a bit of self-back-patting. That’s not at all what I’m trying to do here… It’s more a sort of to-do list for myself, or to keep track of what I’m up to (and if anything of what I do inspires you to do something similar, well, that’s a win-win and all that). Sunday was spent mostly in bed, first sleeping, then watching series. I was exhausted from my trip, and my body pretty much forced me into passing out for most of the day. When someone says think of your happy place, I automatically think of my bed. Not the idea of it, but the actual physical place. It’s way too comfy at any time, my …

Hello, old friend…

I’m back. I can’t even remember when was the last time I posted anything here, although a quick look at the posts tells me it was almost a month ago. Given the fact that I was writing around three times a week, I feel like I owe you all an explanation… Possibly I really don’t, but let’s be transparent and all that. Now it all seems far away, I’m OK telling you all about it. If I remember correctly, that last post was scheduled. On that same day, after being a couple of days off sick, I found out my role was being made redundant. If it has never happened to you, trust me, it’s not a nice feeling. I’m not going to discuss all the details here, but any redundancy has a consultation period which, in my case, lasted for about two weeks or so. That meant I was off work during that period, not really knowing what was going to happen. I told my brother straight away, since we share a flat, but …

It’s a big world out there

It’s a big world out there, and we only get to see a tiny bit of it. There are so many stories waiting to be told, so many secrets waiting to be discovered… As I commute everyday on the train, I look out the window and I marvel. My journey is only about half an hour, but there are so many people whose paths I cross, so many buildings and parks on my way. I wonder what their stories are. I wonder what the buildings hide inside their walls. Every morning, I look at the sky and I feel like I’m travelling far away. If I close my eyes, I can imagine I’m going on an adventure, maybe to an exotic place. You see, the sky is the same everywhere you go, with more or less pollution, but still the same. I wonder at the clouds, and how they’re formed. I know how clouds are made, but I wonder how it happens. How is it even possible? I probably smile without noticing. On my way …