baking, cooking

Nigella’s jumble berry crumble

It’s funny… I don’t like eating sweet stuff. Chocolate, cakes, biscuits… Not really my thing. However, I love baking. I guess that’s good news for my friends and colleagues, as that means I pretty much bake for them.

Every now and again, I go into the kitchen and start experimenting, not always successfully!
That apple cake was supposed to look much prettier, like the one featured here (found on Pinterest). However, I didn’t think things through properly…
Ah, one day I’ll manage to bake croissants… in the meantime, I’ll have to keep buying them!

At weekends, one of my favourite hobbies is to watch Nigella’s TV program on Food Network. I have no clue what it’s called, I just know that I love it! They normally show a few episodes at a time, one after another, and I have to say she’s one of my favourites. She makes cooking super easy and not over the top. Whenever she can use ready ingredients, she will. She always says that she’s quite lazy, so she wants to cook fast, efficiently and in the easiest, less messy way she can… that sounds about right! I can totally relate!

One of the parts I love the most (and it’s a silly one) is when, at the end of the program, she sneaks into the kitchen at night, opens the fridge and grabs a piece of whatever she cooked earlier. It always makes me laugh.

A couple of times I’ve seen the one where she makes a super quick and easy jumble berry crumble. On her website, she shares this recipe, which is pretty much the same as the one in her TV program, and very similar to the one I made. The main difference is that I didn’t have any vanilla sugar, and so I used sugar and a bit of vanilla essence. Oh, and the quantities, of course!
Staged 2
The crumble was amazing. I am annoyed the photos don’t make it justice! I made it while I was off work, and it’s probably the only remarkable thing I did during two and a half weeks. It was super easy, and relatively quick, and it tasted great!
Detail of crumble
I really like the idea of individual portions on her website, maybe I’ll try that next time!
Golden crumble
I have to say that those who tried it, loved it. That encourages me to keep experimenting with baking, especially since so far, nobody seems to have fallen ill because of my cooking skills! If you’ve never baked any crumble, I suggest you start with this one. It’s fool proof, and it’s totally worth it. You will be amazed at how easy it is, and how gorgeous it looks when you dive in!
Crumble staged


  1. David says

    I tried the Jumbleberry crumble of the pics and wowwww. Really good. Let me just say “Ñammm”.

    • Haha Thank you for the feedback. Sorry you’re not around here to taste all the cakes I’m baking these days…

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