All posts tagged: lunchtime read

A little bit about me

Wow, thanks for all the visits and comments (most done on a face to face basis) about the sneak preview of the gig’s photos! I’m really glad you guys liked them, and I hope you will like the rest. I’m not sharing any more for now, because I’m talking to the band so we can decide who will share which ones first, before they get out for everyone to see. Lots of collaboration here! However, I want to thank you again for your feedback and support, you guys are the best! Today, I would like to write about something else, nothing to do with photography or my usual personal challenges. Since I’ve been around music stuff lately, and I’m always listening to my own playlists on a daily basis (you can’t imagine the struggle when my phone was malfunctioning and I couldn’t listen to music during my commute!), I’ve decided to share my latest favourite songs with you. So, here’s a usual “what I’m listening to” list. Don’t get used to it! Unless you really …

Playing with ink!

Hello everyone! I guess this post can be included in the Handmade Life category (yay!!), and it’s a good thing, since it’s been a long time since I last posted about that sort of topic… so, let me place the pretty title below, and let’s begin! On Monday, I went to a screen printing workshop at The Book Club. I had never done screen printing before, but it’s something I’ve wanted to try for a while now. To play with inks and fabric, and create something unique? Totally my thing! At first, I was going with a friend, but I finally went there on my own, which is something I tend to do quite often lately, just try stuff by myself and, you know, jump in there and see what happens. I arrived early, and it was quite intimidating. I had never been in that place before, and there were people sitting around in groups, drinking and chatting, and then me. What do you do when you’re on your own, in a bar you have …

Is something happening this week?

It’s lunchtime, and it’s Thursday! I’m here, sitting at my desk, and eating my lunch, trying to keep my mood up because, if I’m honest with you, I’m not feeling it today. I woke up feeling sluggish, and had to convince myself to get out of bed. I am mighty tired. I’m not fooling myself, I have a good idea of why I’m feeling this way. This week I have put my body to a bit of testing, and it has resulted in my body crying stop. Of course, I still have energy to keep moving, but it feels like I’m running on dry cogs – it’s slow and noisy and painful. Since I did Zumba on Monday, and then ran and did weight lifting on Tuesday – when I shouldn’t have, if I may add; I was already tired. Then I had to get some blood tests done, which I did on Wednesday morning, and which added to the tiredness I was feeling. Not only that, but I started feeling sore from training the …

And so it begins…

So it seems that all I read about these days is lists on New Year’s resolutions. People are listing all their objectives and goals for 2014. I’ve also read somewhere that only 8% of us actually complete their resolutions, but can’t remember if it’s all of them… I think it’s just one. This got me thinking… Most of our resolutions are the same year after year: stop smoking, lose weight, save money; yet we keep on missing them. In the days previous to the change of year, we stuff our faces in with food, we binge drink at parties and make trip after trip to the shops. I stopped smoking years ago, so that one is a mission accomplished for me, even though it probably wasn’t part of my resolution set that year. Yesterday, I did a lot of thinking. Maybe it wasn’t a lot but since my brain was feeling all sludgy from drinking strawberry tequila shots, it seemed like a lot of work anyway. My entrĂ©e to the New Year was spent like …