Month: August 2014

Too many ideas, not enough time

It’s been a tough week at work. By the end of it, I wanted to get up and go home, in the middle of a Friday. I didn’t because, well, it wouldn’t have been professional, but also because I had lunch plans with a friend in the area. At least, the week is now over and the weekend is here. This weekend I have a few ideas I want to pursue (look at that, big words and everything!) and might take me longer or not. For example, I want to change my blog theme. I am a bit tired of the blog’s aesthetics, so I’m thinking of re-jiggling it a bit. Of course, my knowledge of WordPress is limited, and the amount of customisation I can do isn’t much either, but I’ve seen a couple of themes I like, one of them even free! Now, don’t get all excited. You won’t see the change happening this weekend, probably not next week either, but keep an eye out! Tomorrow I need to go on a mission. …

It’s a big world out there

It’s a big world out there, and we only get to see a tiny bit of it. There are so many stories waiting to be told, so many secrets waiting to be discovered… As I commute everyday on the train, I look out the window and I marvel. My journey is only about half an hour, but there are so many people whose paths I cross, so many buildings and parks on my way. I wonder what their stories are. I wonder what the buildings hide inside their walls. Every morning, I look at the sky and I feel like I’m travelling far away. If I close my eyes, I can imagine I’m going on an adventure, maybe to an exotic place. You see, the sky is the same everywhere you go, with more or less pollution, but still the same. I wonder at the clouds, and how they’re formed. I know how clouds are made, but I wonder how it happens. How is it even possible? I probably smile without noticing. On my way …

A bit of process

The other day a friend, after reading one of my posts, mentioned that it was impressive the amount of work I seem to put behind some of them, with research and so on. He wondered how long it normally takes me to write a post. Of course, it depends on each one of them. Some posts take me just a few minutes to write (and then a bit longer to proof read them and make edits) but I can pretty much publish a post in less than half an hour, if in a hurry. Other posts, on the contrary, take a bit longer. A quick look at my drafts can tell you that some ideas have been there for quite a long time, some have been gathering dust for months even! Those are the extreme cases. Normally, my inspiration comes from pretty much everywhere. From the songs that I’m listening to, to whichever is happening in the news. More often than not, it’s just a small detail that prompts me to think and wonder, and …

Charities on ice

Once again, it seems as if the WordPress gods have spoken and all the planets and stars have aligned for me to write about a specific topic. For a while now, I’ve been thinking about writing about charities and what I do to help, but I haven’t done a proper post about it because anything I could say would simply sound as bragging and seeking attention. Sure, I’ve mentioned what I do in different posts, but normally not as the main focus. Yesterday, I was just sent this link to a Buzzfeed article about the ice bucket challenge by a colleague. I found the videos very funny, but mostly thought that they represent us, humans and our relation to YouTube and the Internet perfectly. Don’t get me wrong, I’m always up for a good laugh, but sometimes it’s a bit sad when you see that the crazy stuff, the falls, the easy laugh, are the ones being shared the most. Whenever there’s a truly inspirational video or article being shared, when they attempt to create …