Month: March 2012

let bygones be bygones

Hello everyone! I’ve been saying over and over again that I was not going to do anything at all this weekend. The idea was to lock myself in at home, with my crochet projects, my TV, my PS3 and tons of junk food. I wanted to make a fort (possibly in bed) and read a book under the covers. I wanted to shut my door to the world (both front door and an imaginary me-door). You might be wondering why, and you would be rightly doing so. The reason is that I’ve had one of the worst weeks in a while. I know, I know, I keep complaining, and moaning, and whining about this all the time, well, scrap all of those past complaints: they mean nothing right now. Anyway, it would be lengthy to explain everything that happened to me this week, and I don’t want to dwell in the past anymore (let bygones be bygones and all that), so I’ll skip the whole story. Basically, I let myself be convinced to go for …

Perito Moreno

some help with those photos!

Hi everyone! A couple of my friends have asked me for help about how I managed to bring out the colours in my night photo walk images and the images I posted in here. While I am not an expert in image retouching or in any of the programs that enable you to do this, I have found a couple of tricks that might help with those pictures you have that you know they would have some wow-factor if the colours were a bit less dull. This is not the only way, and I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but this is one way that works for me, and it’s very quick. It allows me to correct many pictures in a matter of minutes! First of all, you need Photoshop (I’m using CS5) and an image to correct: *I believe if you click on each image, you should be able to see them bigger, but please let me know if this is not the case! As you can see, there is a …

a bit of this and that…

I went snowboarding yesterday and I have pain everywhere today! First of all, the button lift is a device of hell… It’s definitely not designed for snowboarders, or at least that’s how it seems to me. I have so much pain where the bar was pressing my leg that I even got a bruise! The whole evening was fun though. I fell many times, but luckily I’m still on one piece! The first couple of runs, as usual, were really scary and I could feel all my body so tense that I was even shaking! After going down the slope a few times, I managed to relax a bit. I got to talk to many different people (mainly because, well, I speak to everyone everywhere!) and they taught me how to walk like a penguin with the board still attached to my feet. I don’t manage much, but I did managed a couple of steps without actually falling on the ground! I still don’t manage to do proper turns, or to only snowboard with my …

about colour correcting

I had such a busy day at work… It’s amazing how suddenly things can pile up, especially when everyone wants your help. Today it was month’s end, so Finance were frantic to get all the phasing correctly. I had to work closely with one girl in order to get all the figures right for someone else’s work, not mine. You can imagine how long it took us to make sense of what was going on, especially as none of us had seen those figures before! After being at it for one hour on my own, and about another hour with my laptop at her desk, we managed to make sense of it. When I returned to my desk, I checked all those emails I kept seeing popping up while working on the numbers, and the list was endless! For some reason, people from other teams are asking me to be in their out of office whenever they are away, even if we don’t really have much to work in common, they’re copying me in their …