All posts tagged: cooking

Day 1 of 30 – a Whole30 month

Today it’s the first day of the Whole30 challenge, and I’m scared. I’ve been planning, reading, and getting nervous for a week, and the day is here already. Not sure if you’ve heard about Whole30 before, but if you haven’t, let me tell you a little bit about it. This plan is not a weight loss diet as such, although it helps on that area too. Based on a Paleo diet, the Whole30 aims to eliminate all foods that our bodies aren’t thrilled about for 30 days, to reset our digestive health. After that, there’s a careful reintroduction of said foods, where you get to analyse how (if at all) they affect your body and mind. The premise of this is that some foods we’re used to might not be doing us much good, but we’re so used to them, we don’t notice them anymore. Feeling not 100% right has become our new normal. Now, given the fact that I’m always suffering from minor everything, I decided to give it a try. This plan doesn’t …

Croquettes all ready

Homemade recipe: Mum’s Chicken Croquettes

Whenever I go back home, I always hope my mum will cook croquettes. It’s a dish that reminds me of my childhood, usually accompanied with fries and ketchup. I always remember my brother eating 16 of them in one sitting. When my parents went on holidays once we were older, my mum would leave a batch of them ready for us in the freezer. This is, along Spanish omelette, one of my favourite dishes ever. My nan used to make them with thick pieces of ham in them, which I didn’t like, but my mum makes them all soft and smooth. The ones below are not made exactly to recipe, as they don’t have any ham or onion in them. You can also use leftover chicken from any other boiled dish you’ve made, like cocido madrileƱo (a recipe I might share with you someday too). I think I got around 15 croquettes this time around, but it really depends on how big you make them! Also, if you use the ham, note that this will …

I didn’t see that coming

Don’t get me wrong. I love my Mac. Seriously, I do. When I received the parcel at work, I pretty much ran all the way to the post room (pretty much, because you know, Health & Safety, guys!) and then pretended I wasn’t trotting all the way to my desk. I have to admit that I was less productive than usual that afternoon. At first I promise myself I was just going to look at it, and not turn it on. Of course, after probably five seconds I asked myself who I was trying to fool, and switched it on. I think I blushed with embarrassment when I heard the very loud sound Macs do when started, and I’m afraid to report that I did run at that time, to a meeting room, because the installation started talking out loud, very loud, and I couldn’t find how to make it shut up at first. What can I say? I panicked. So far, it’s been pretty honeymooney over here. It’s taking me a bit long to …